a curious thing, working with vintage fixtures. It is common to come up
against the need of a part that is near impossible to acquire. Though
one gets good at sourcing and is constantly making new connections,
inevitably parts must be made for some projects.
Once I have determined that fabricating a part is unavoidable there are certain decisions to make. Will I go to a machine shop and ask them to make the part for me? Will I try to make it myself with my small lathe, drill press, and hand tools? Can I make what I need by altering some preexisting part? This last direction is the way I try to go, it is faster, less expensive, and when it works establishes a way to make that same part in the future.
This blog post is about the small part I provided for a project last week, but more than that it is about my process and these small journeys of discovery.
When technologies are in flux, when ways things should and could be done are still being established, engineers tend to all go in different directions and so manufacturers tend to create products that differ widely in function and form. That was the way with plumbing fixtures in the first half of the previous century.
How many ways can one attach a handle to a stem? Center screw or set screw right? In 1925 there were also compression nut, counter nut, and no doubt a few other ways to go about it. There were just as many ways to index a handle for hot and cold as well. Standard Sanitary Company had two ways to attach their porcelain cross handles and index their handles, both involved the assembly of four or more parts and were entirely different from each other.
Driving back to the shop I was envisioning faucet seats, how I might get at least two opposing wrench flats onto them, and the hand filing or machining that might be required for it.
I have to be careful in that moment. My inner vision when problem solving can get me into trouble. It is why I try not to park across the street from places where I work, going to and from the truck for parts I am aware that I can forget to be careful of traffic. In the same way my mental process can amount to distracted driving so I was only half thinking about my project.
In that moment though I had an epiphany and went home on a whole new track. It had occurred to me, as I had conceived of ways to get my required wrench flats, that there is a part that has six wrench flats and a male thread, perhaps a fine male thread, and perhaps the size I needed if I could be that lucky. Arriving home I went to my containers of old new stock faucet stems and began to paw through them, searching. While most of them were late enough to be stem sealed with modern O-rings, a few were still using packings and those packings were contained and compressed with packing nuts. It wasn’t long before had a stem in my hand with a packing nut that was about the same diameter in the wrench flats as my sample, visually.
rest was simple. I had to have a few more like stems from my supplier
as I only had one. I drilled the first to my desired ID but without a
purchase for the bit tip it was awkward so I used the lathe to do the rest
of them. If I took the few extra thread off and had them polished and
plated they would be indistinguishable from the original in anything but
their new or old luster.
Not bad, not expensive, and easy to do again later.
Details of photos:
Top, The assembled stem has the factory original nut.
The exploded view has my altered packing nut.
Second, Note the female thread in the handle and the octagonal shape of the handle and the insert adapter.
The adapter top screws into place at the end of the stem.
The counter nut traps the adapter into the handle, thus holding the handle to the stem.
Third and forth photos show the donor stem with packing nut in place and then lose.
Fifth photo shows the before and after the small amount of machining I needed to do to alter the packing nut.
Last photo shows a better view of how the handle assembly works.
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